
Harness your ability for self healing and creativity

What is Brainspotting?

If you’ve ever watched someone deep in thought, you may have seen how their eyes gaze off to some precise point in the middle distance as they make contact with their thoughts and feelings.  This is very similar to Brainspotting. Eye position is linked to what we think and feel because it corresponds with non verbal, deep feeling brain areas along with memory access and recall (explicit and implicit) and creativity. This is the natural phenomenon harnessed with Brainspotting because when we steady our focus, feel our sensations and observe internally, then our brain can self heal and regenerate. 

Brainspotting (BSP) was discovered in 2003 by David Grand and came out of his work using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing). Brainspotting uses a static eye position to process and lessen the effects of strong emotions and memories, while EMDR uses rapid eye movement to achieve a similar therapeutic outcome.

The goal in Brainspotting is to bypass the conscious thought processes that often block the work of the deeper, subcortical parts of the brain which are designed to be able to self heal and enable the nervous system and brain to return to balance. The body, mind and brain re-learn to handle whatever arises internally and externally, as they are designed to, rising to challenges and then letting go again. It is a process which enables the body and mind to return to the present moment, no longer be held back by events and feelings from the past or by fears of an uncertain future. 

What does it help with?

In my clinical practice I find Brainspotting an effective tool for help with the following problems areas:

  • emotional dysregulation
  • unwanted body sensations
  • blocked creativity
  • anxiety/ fear
  • depression
  • dissociation
  • ADHD
  • performance enhancement
  • stress
  • focus
  • decision making
  • intrusive thoughts
  • troubling memories