NeurOptimal® Rental

Neurofeedback from the comfort of your own home

Why You should consider a NeurOptimal Rental for Home Use

NeurOptimal is a fully automated, professional grade, neurofeedback system that adapts training uniquely to your brain. The NeurOptimal rental route is the easiest and cheapest option for benefitting from this unique and highly effective brain training technology. The advanced algorithm within the software, coupled with the processing speed of the tablet, means that it can track all of your brain’s activity and simultaneously offer feedback, so that brain gains accurate ‘sight’ of its own activity. This information allows your brain to autocorrect inefficient activity by harnessing its’ ability to self regulate and ensure it performs at its’ best.


A NeurOptimal Rental offers advanced neurofeedback at home

A NeurOptimal rental is ideal for people who want to take the lead in their mental and emotional wellness and performance. NeurOptimal delivers far reaching improvements across areas such as school and work performance, concentration, emotional  balance, emotional processing, stress resilience, energy, restorative sleep, relationship improvements.

With our NeurOptimal rental system you can run brain training sessions for yourself and family, at home on your own schedule, at a significantly lower cost than you would pay for individual sessions in office. The system is automated and intuitive, so you will have no problem using it with ease . You will be provided with everything you need to get going with your training right away, including all the training materials, which will guide you through the set up, step by step.

What does a home session actually look like?


Ten Reasons why a NeurOptimal Rental is the best option:

  1. Significant cost savings
  2. Same exact training as in office
  3. Saves on travel time and cost to in office sessions
  4. Easy to use
  5. Includes all the material needed (except headphones) for successful training
  6. Train multiple people at home
  7. Train at times of day or night that suit you
  8. If you are undergoing a therapy process elsewhere then you can run NeurOptimal Neurofeedback alongside to improve therapy outcomes
  9. Fully supported by our team to answer questions you may have along the way
  10. Remote technical support from home should problems arise


What is the NeurOptimal Rental process?

We aim to make your NeurOptimal rental experience as straight forward and supported as we can. Below are 10 steps to help you understand the rental process. If you require any further information about this then please drop us a line.


  1. Make contact and ask any questions you may have. We love explaining NeurOptimal and all its possible benefits, so we’d be very happy to help you understand how it could help with your specific circumstances.
  2. Agree rental start and end dates.
  3. Review the online contract, so you can make sure you’re comfortable with the T’c and C’s and once signed…
  4. Receive confirmation of your order and an email with all the necessary resources and training videos for your training experience
  5. Payment is made in full before you take receipt of the system.
  6. Collect the system at the Hove office or the system can be sent to you by courier service. You will receive a photo of the box as it is sent out to you, so you know it’s on its way.
  7. Arrival of the system at your home and training starts! You can get going with the resources from the training email or you can also opt for a video call to run through the set up if you prefer.
  8. Midway through your training month we will make contact to see how things are going but you can be in touch at any time before then if you have any queries.
  9. If you wish to extend the rental period then we urge you to let us know as soon as you can, so that the system remains available to you for an extended period.
  10. At the end of the rental period we will be in contact to finalise the system return details.


Google Reviews from NeurOptimal Renters:

I found the neurotherapy device which I rented for a month to be really helpful in a number of ways. Early morning anxiety which had been with me ever since I was young, shifted considerably. I no longer have that feeling of doom on waking up! This changed after only one session and has lasted giving me a much happier view of my day and removing non specific guilt which made me leap out of bed to do something, anything to get rid of the feeling.

I experienced in the early sessions quite a lot of irritation as I sat listening to the music but pushed through the discomfort. There seemed to be no precise reason for feeling this way. The last two weeks this lifted and I would say that a new behaviour has come about where triggering events are no longer as overwhelming as they used to be. I can deal with them better and have stopped catastrophising and procrastinating
How many years would have passed in psychotherapy for me to obtain these results?
This device is liberating and works fast.


Liza – rented in 2022 for one month to train her whole family and went on to purchase her own system.

BodyMindBrain provided an excellent NeurOptimal rental experience, including regular support and tips throughout for smooth and easy training. Over one month of sessions every other day, NeurOptimal has already greatly reduced symptoms of intense anxiety, insomnia, and difficulties with concentration. NeurOptimal is an incredible brain training tool and so effortless to use. It’s amazing because while the unconscious brain works hard on ‘self-regulating’, the user is free to rest and enjoy the session, or even sleep!

Sessions are 33-minutes long and induce a wonderful feeling of calm and deep relaxation. Quality of sleep improved greatly after the first session, and we are noticing the positive effects of improved emotional resilience lasting longer in between sessions. It has been life changing for my whole family, so very happy! Thank you, BodyMindBrain.


Penny rented in 2023 for two months

My husband and I rented a Neuroptimal machine for two months so we could use it at home. We were looking for help with a very stressful and busy time in our business and wanted to find a way to manage the stress and overwhelm we were experiencing.

I can’t rate the neurofeedback highly enough. It was so easy to use and we both became progressively calmer and found we had more capacity to deal with the challenges we were facing. This meant that the stress didn’t take over our lives and we had a very helpful tool to help us wind down in the evenings and have enough energy for life outside of work.

I’ve not experienced an approach like it before and it helped tremendously with clam, focus and productivity.

The service from BodyMindBrain was easy and professional.

What Neurofeedback helps with: